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Last Record

For ARCH 552: Architecture is Everywhere - Sarah Dunn


Program: Library

Size: 96' x 74' x 124'

Floor Area: 40,000 sf.

Public Spaces

Public Spaces

Public, Private, & Stacks

Private Spaces + Stacks

Exterior Shell

Exterior Shell

Last Record is a library of anthropological literature and research materials. Designed to have a vertical focus, this project finds balance between large public spaces for collective study and dense private stacks for storage. 
Sight lines have been arranged for people watching in both the public areas and from private observation areas into public areas. Circulation through the building takes on a spiral motion through a series of stairways or a linear motion when using the elevators.
Located in the southeast corner of a campus of libraries situated in a forest by a body of water, the library has been designed and oriented to maximize useful natural light in the public spaces while minimizing harmful radiation in the storage and preservation areas.


Plan at 12' above grade and lobby perspective

Plan at 32' above grade and lower stairway perspective

Plan at 52' above grade and middle stairway perspective

Plan at 82' above grade and upper lobby perspective

Plan at 92' above grade and sunset room perspective

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